Review by Sahil Tandon


Season 2

The show's at it's best when it's about interviewing serial killers, so the first 5 episodes are great. But then the last 4 get bogged down in one case, which is slow & frustrating & unsatisfying, and I get that that's the point, but I think they could have easily got that message across in half the time. Also, like with the first season, you really miss David Fincher's touch on the episodes he doesn't direct, & you really feel that in the back half.

I appreciate the move away from focusing on Holden's personal life, because god does that guy suck, but the personal drama for Carr & Tench, like the season overall, started out promising & then really fizzled out. It's really painful to watch all the drama stem from things that would be so easily fixed if the people involved would just sit down & talk for a period of time longer than a scene of Dramatic Television. All the conflict is between people who are supposedly living together in between the scenes you're shown, but each one picks up as if nothing happened since the last, and obviously you can't resolve conflict in 2 minute dramatic bursts, you idiots.

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