Vera is such an underrated character. The rawness of his hate, anger, and depravity is boundless. The acting was brilliant. Honestly, deserves more screentime of not for the fact we all hate him which is a testament to how good he is in this role.

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@neilquan I thought that Elliot Villar (Fernando Vera) has phenomenal. BTW, he was born in the Bronx in the 1980, so he must have seen some stuff…

@neilquan Naaaaa, it was a secondary character in the first season just to develop the story. I still find it absurd and stupid how he suddenly discovered that Elliot had turned him over to the police. Come on! Both were barely known and the only time they talked, Vera was high. But magically ... boooom! It was you Elliot!!! not my gang rivals or enemies. I hope Sam Esmail has a huge reason to bring it back this annoying character.

@neilquan I thought that story arc unnecessary now. It's was okay in previous seasons, but now the main plot line is too intense for these side quests. I hope this links to something meaningful later.
