I'm so angry they throw away Carl's military story - The one thing he was good at, found a passion for and worked hard for. And they didn't even do it in a good way. Instead we get some random comment about how the military never wants to see Carl ever again while we skipped all his training and now he's back at a fastfood restaurant? I'm so angry at this. I wouldn't be surprised if they also threw away his relationship with Kelly by adding the Mexican girl as love interest, ugh.
And don't even get me started on this weird sexual harassment story with his boss - It already felt out of place last season when she slapped his ass and wanted to sleep with him even though he was like 16, but now we're back to this? I actually hope there will be more to this because it sure as hell isn't funny or entertaining. It's just gross.

Mickey and Ian actually felt really natural. I was worried Ian would have some weird, annoying story again, but his relationship issues with Mickey were actually fun to watch in prison. It felt really similar to the old Shameless.

The rest of the stories were actually okay and fit the characters (though I don't understand why no one of Tami's family checks in on her baby or how they apparently weren't even prepared with simple diapers). In general it felt more old school (in a good way) than most of the previous episodes.

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