Review by Speed Demon

Lost in Space: Season 2

2x03 Echoes

This episode has to go down in history as the dumbest episode of any show in the last 50+ years. The plot is so full of holes you could fly a ship through it... Spoilers if you really think it'll ruin the experience....
1) They arrive at the space station ship Resolute and don't even notice there is no life in or around the ship.
2) They go inside and discover no one is there - nothing odd about that, why not split up and send the kids back to safety.
3) Dr. Smith starts a fire and all the doors close but they have no problem moving around the ship to get around the safety doors - we never re-visit the fire or even find out if it was put out.. and all the doors are open later too
4) They find out the ship was abandoned 7 months ago..
5) A horse appears for no apparent reason out of thin air (what did it eat for 7 months?) It then disappears into thin air once it isn't required for the scene
6) The robot is the reason everyone abandoned the ship, only it has no legs and one missing arm - the arm is on the Robinsons' ship (huh?). It travels at the speed of a snail, no one could outrun it apparently
7) Thousands of people on the ship couldn't capture it so they ran away, but mum and dad Robinson capture it in about 3 minutes
8) The police guys return to the ship and promptly put the robot into a steel cage - how? Did they throw some cheese into the cage and close it once it was inside? Why didn't they do that 7 months ago?
9) Dad Robinson goes down a well - apparently, they had to wait for him cause they didn't know how to bang on the pipes to see if it was blocked
10) The other robot is on the planet - how did it get there?
11) There's more, but you get the idea

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@speeddemon you included stuff from episode 4 in there

@speeddemon Looks like someone didn’t pay attention to the episode.

@speeddemon Those are all valid points but still this episode is far from being the dumbest in TV history. Have you ever watched Under the Dome? ;)

@speeddemon I wouldn't rate it as low, since there's been far dumber episodes in other shows, but some of your points do set the general tone for this season, so far, unfortunately. The first season wasn't exactly brilliant, but this one is just pushing the limits into mediocrity. Still somewhat of a guilty pleasure to watch, though.

@onlime Yes, another good example of something that could have been good and then they just milked it way too far.
