Shout by Allendar

The Current War 2018

This is a likable movie, but I'm sad it does Tesla a great disservice. I know it's about the current wars"" and not per sé the origin of current. If I remember correct Edison met with Tesla in France (correct me if I'm wrong) and he strong-armed Tesla as the better salesman convincing Tesla to sell his knowledge to him. This movie portrays Edison as a passionate researcher and Tesla as a person that tries to come by and consider throwing away his life's work to not have a miserable poor life anymore. I also don't get the political integration. Isn't the original history that this was purely business-related? Again I didn't check up back on the history that I can remember, but this kind of feels off. It was still enjoyable tho! The performances and mood is very well done. Would say about a 7.4 :)

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Tesla worked for a subsidiary of Edison's company in France before coming to the USA. Tesla's chance meeting with Edison took place when he was working as an engine repair man. This movie is a travesty how it shredded Tesla's actual abilities. If not for Cumberland and Shannon it is so far out from reality the movie would be a 1.
