WTF was this?

They seem to forget that this is still Arrow and not the "new" show. I guess they might explain why Laurel and Dinah woke up in the future instead their own time, but 20 years basically without crime - really?

From what we know Star City and Central City are close together. So you want to tell me that no crime syndicate expands their operation into an unoccupied territory?
Or will the Flash be rescuing kittens for the next 20 years as there is no crime in Central City either.

This in addition to the fact that there are super rich people (including Mia) and nobody tried to rob them for the last 20 years, really people?

Why are the story-centerpieces of female driven shows (I think we can assume that this is supposed to be a backdoor pilot) just so stupid these days?

This being said, the only chance of redemption for the new show (oh my I am really writing this for a backdoor pilot...) is that there is a superbad villain who is causing this pseudo-utopia...

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