Shout by drqshadow

Shazam! 2019

Escapist fantasy that also, almost coincidentally, happens to involve a big, powerful, lightning-themed superhero. For better and, sometimes, for worse, Shazam! is more like a cartoon than almost any other offering from the recent flood of caped/costumed movies. It's playful and carefree, even when a serious threat looms near. The surrounding world is vibrant and simple, most supporting characters dedicated to their one specific personality trait.

There's a welcome sense of relaxation throughout, an exhale when we realize there won't be much dramatic tension. On occasion, it toys with that juxtaposition - a confrontation with would-be robbers from the first trailer being the loudest example - but for the most part it's happy to occupy its own place and do its own thing. The humor is mostly on-target (razor-sharp, actually, during its most inspired moments), and Zachary Levi is wonderful as the innocent, naive cape-bearer, but it's awfully narrow and the constant efforts to tie it in with the super-serious DCEU are off-putting. I enjoyed the experience, but I didn't love it. My kids did.

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