Review by Simon Massey

Doctor Who 2005

For years I swore of Doctor Who. Despite enjoying a hell of a lot of sci-fi I could not bring myself to watch it, thinking the BBC couldn't possible pull off the concept in a way that I would enjoy. Anyway as it was everywhere for the 50th Anniversary I suddenly decided to give it a go, primarily because I have enjoyed Christopher Eccleston in other things. Season 1 was a casual watch for me with some good moments but it wasn't until a key Season 2 episode - The Girl in the Fireplace that my interest was piqued. The moment when it took off and became must watch TV was the introduction of "Spoilers" :) and the fact that this show is accessible to everyone but is never dumbed down either. The humour helps a lot too! Both Tennant and Smith have been superb and I have been impressed with how each of the Companions has not simply been another version of each other but all have been interesting with the exception of Martha. Some truly impressive villains as well - The Weeping Angels are incredibly creepy and my favourite - and I like the fact they keep things fresh with and unpredictable. Changing companions and Doctors every three or so years has been brave not least because most have been really good, but it has allowed for some great emotional moments and they have done a sterling job of ensuring the replacements have been good. Let's hope Capaldi measures up - but I have a feeling he will!!

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Reply by Deleted

I had exactly the same experience with the show, a well written review indeed :)
