Why the hell is the BAU on this case? I despise episodes like these where there is only one victim (who didn't even die this time). It makes no sense for this team to be working the case instead of local law enforcement and MAYBE another FBI division.

My God. The acting in this episode is so bad. Not just the extras but even Paget Brewster wasn't on her A game this episode. And the chief/husband had the worst acting all episode. I actually had to pause and collect myself while he was talking with J.J. He made the child actors look like seasoned professionals in comparison.

Spender is the saving grace of this episode. Him bonding with the daughter put the first smile on my face all episode. This show would be dead without Matthew Gray Gubler.
Considering how this episode focused on addictions, I don't understand why the writers didn't give Reid ANY lines related to addiction or drugs except "They're not a solution" at the end. It felt like everyone, writers included, completely forgot about his struggle with Dilaudid.

This episode lacked all suspense. Usually, there's a race against the clock to stop the UnSub before they strike again. Since this isn't a case about a serial killer, that suspense is gone. This feels like a regular murder mystery you would find in any other cop procedural. Just one of many reasons why this show is not as good as it once was...


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