[7.8/10] Definitely the best of the season. It’s funny, people kind of flipped out when Matt and Trey said they wouldn’t be doing a lot of Trump humor, but this is one of the more damning political pieces they’ve done in a long time.

The message of this one seems to be that Trump is responsible for a moral decline, due to people comparing their own actions to those of the President and noting that their bad behavior isn’t so bad by comparison to Trump’s. At the same time, it chastises Trump for not taking responsibility for any of his actions and chalking it up to nonsense excuses. And it even implicitly critiques white people for having a persecution complex and standing by Trump despite obvious crimes and bad behavior. For a show that’s occasionally been accused of having a right wing bias, the show’s pretty unsparing in its critique here (especially if you’re Rudy Giuliani).

But it’s also just a funny episode. There’s something particularly enjoyable about Stan, Shelly, and Sharon Marsh all secretly being thrilled at the prospect that Randy might not come home and they’ll get to go back to their normal lives without his B.S. for a while. There’s some good dark humor in the show’s critique of ICE detention centers through depicting the people running them as treating them like pounds. And the meta humor about this being the “season finale” for Tegridy Farms has some good winking gags, presumably involving the studio execs telling Matt and Trey to get back to the show as usual.

There’s also some nice clockwork storytelling with poor Alejandro getting splashed with sunscreen, getting sick of his mistreatment, and being mistaken as the “Mexican Joker” everyone in South Park is so scared of, thereby getting Randy off the hook. Hell, I like the quasi-personal commentary in Randy coming this close to having a change of heart, only to more or less go back on his epiphany once he’s exonerated by happenstance.

Overall, I too was getting a little tired of the Tegridy Farms business, so I’m happy to see the show return to normal if that’s what will really happen. But this was a nice way to go out, an episode that makes a pretty legitimate point about real integrity, one that dunks on white fragility, and ties it all together with some good humor to boot.

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