Uh, what? You're telling me that in the decades Rossi has been in the FBI he's never had a near-death experience? In fact, we KNOW he has. By the set-up at the beginning of the episode, I was expecting him to have been tortured or severely beaten. But, no, he was strangled a bit. I'm not saying he doesn't deserve to be traumatized, but worse has happened to other team members, and they had lesser reactions than this. Hell, after Reid and Garcia's recent ordeal, apart from Prentiss checking in on Garcia, everyone acted like it was business as usual.

Dave said they knew about what happened in the homes because of interviews they did afterwards. But Rossi only interviewed Grace at the end of the episode, and I doubt she told the team everything that happened in the house before then. So, how did he know? It's possible that those scenes were only there to fill in the gap for the viewer, but if that's the case, then it was a poor decision on the director's part (sorry, A.J. Cook).

I don't want another UnSub that gets away and plays cat-and-mouse with the BAU. We don't need another Mr. Scratch/Ian Doyle/Frank Breitkopf. This show has proven best when it focuses on standalones and small arcs. When it tries to go for longer arcs, it becomes too convoluted, and the quality of the show declines. Hopefully, this con artist will be caught by the end of this season...


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@sophiefilo16 its not that he hadnt have any near death experience before. its more about how this time how easy it was for the unsub to strangle Rossi and how difficult it was to Rossi to get out of the situation
