Okay, kids. This is where it gets complicated. Let's do the Doctor Who Series 12 finale review! I think this is going to be a bit… controversial. But it's my opinion and that's it, we move on. Here we go!

First, I want to say that I didn't like how the "game-changing" finale ended up all over the place. It was a very good episode until the resolution of the "Timeless Child" story arc at the end of the episode. And, as we all suspected, the that child ended up being the Doctor. What I mean with the "all over the place" thing is that this retcon of the Doctor's origin story doesn't quite work for me. It messes a bunch of pre-established canonical things up just for the sake of it, just because Chibnall can do whatever he likes. He's the showrunner. I mean, now we got a bunch of regenerations before William Hartnell's Doctor, we still do not know why is Ruth's Doctor TARDIS a police box, if the Doctor has always been sort of immortal, why did he died during the Trenzalore story? (potential future). We don't know much.

The Master and the Cybermen were great. Sacha Dhawan's performance is FUCKING FANTASTIC, he stole both the finale and the premiere… wow! The idea of the CyberMasters is really good and this new race feels a lot more threatening that any other Doctor Who monster did before. Despite my opinion of the finale, I think that the CyberMaster stories are becoming a recurrent finale thing and maybe people will get tired of them eventually. There are other monsters and enemies, I'm sure we can figure something out, right?
Like the Series 8 and Series 10 finale (both of these are great, though). I hope that maybe, at the end of Chibnall's run as showrunner, all these questions get an answer. I know that he intended to broad the long-lived canon, but not all things can work out. There are ways to do it. There's Steven Moffat's run, for example. He did it beautifully. So, now, the Doctor isn't a Gallifreyan, she's from another dimension, she's kind of immortal, has lived for a LONG time, has had a bunch of faces, her regeneration powers are the basic genetics for all Time Lords and they built their mighty civilisation on the Doctor's suffering. Okay.

And I think that the Doctors from the Brain of Morbius (1976) story are canon now… okay. There's that.

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