Shout by Anto Butera

Little Women 2019

I freaking hate that stupid ending. I hate that Jo and Laurie don't end up together. I know how the story goes, and so I always end up disappointed and broken hearted. It sucks.

To be honest, I feel like I could keep up with the story because I was already familiar with it. I really think someone watching this story for the first time would be utterly confused and lost by the non-linear chronology. Also, it does a terrible disservice and completely wrecks Jo and Laurie's relationship. Their friendship is such a vital part of the story. It's at the very heart of it. And this movie presents it as something silly, superficial and unimportant.

In my opinion, the BBC's mini series is a much better adaptation. The characters are much more empathetic, and so the emotional punches really hit home and all the events are all that much more meaningful. In this adaptation, I couldn't connect to the characters at all. Go watch the mini series!! I know I will.

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