Shout by Justin

Train to Busan 2016

I've put this movie off for years. Partly because I didn't know what to expect, and partly because I didn't want to watch "a zombie movie". Man was I wrong though. I don't think I've even seen a Korean movie before besides Snowpiercer, if that counts when the entire thing is in English.

This is probably the best zombie movie ever. I'd have to watch 28 Days Later again to confirm that opinion, but after first watch it sure feels that way. All of the acting is great (in particular Ma Dong-seok who is just cool as hell and sort of reminds me of Japan's Beat Takeshi) with characters you get attached to and villains you hate, the scenarios are thought out where action isn't the only way to defeat or escape the zombies, and there are legitimately scary and tense moments through the entire film.

This isn't just a great "zombie movie" or even just a great "horror/action/thriller" movie. This is just a great movie that totally destroys the chains of its genre. Can't wait for the sequel this summer.

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