Is it just me or did the main plotline for this episode come out of nowhere? And I don't mean that negatively. It was surprising, is all. Of course, I enjoyed the hell out of it. It just felt extremely out of place. I mean, this is a cop show that's a police procedural (although now that I've written that, a cop show can't (not) be a procedural, right?), and quite lighthearted, for the most part, and has this method of procedure of blending cop-life and personal-lives of the characters. All of a sudden black ops are thrown into the mix? Again, I enjoyed it, but that will certainly require a very specific amount of suspending your disbelief for a fair amount of people, I'd imagine. That whole plotline can't be over, right? There's no way something like that would be introduced just like that into a show like this and then nothing more will come of it. I'm guessing it'll become a big focus very soon, and so will Norman Jangus, whatever his name is. I hope it does. Not just in the sense that if it doesn't, that would be a little odd, but also in the sense that I want it to be. It's a refreshing new breath of air, just one that doesn't necessarily go with the general air of the show.

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@legendaryfang56 not 'out of nowhere' the minute the camera guy appeared I knew something was up.

I mean in the sense that, all of a sudden, patrol officers (rookies, too) are up against ex-military soldiers who're on a black op. On its own, that isn't too outrageous. But this is a police procedural show. The main storyline in this episode was way, way out there. Regardless, I still enjoyed the hell out of it.
