Jeez Mia, you are supposed to be an adult and take a high road when confronting a privileged, but very traumatized teen. Instead, you decided to be a bitch. I really have a hard time connecting to Mia's character or feel sympathetic for her.

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@wynter02 true. And Mia has done/ is doing by giving her shelter and support during this time of recovery. But, it's also about time someone starts calling out the privilege for what it is now that she's old enough for college. It's important to reckon with her privilege despite current trauma, she's been using people around her masquerading as friends or lover.

OPReply by Wynter

@ootony I disagree. She is a teen, and most teens of any background feel entitled and treat others in ways that in retrospective is horrible. Was her behavior propped up by privileged? Absolutely. But it also wasn't the only reason she treated people the way she did. There is time and place to call people out, but being sensitive to their trauma requires being a bigger person.
