Well, that ending is one way to keep the ball rolling with how practically everything the show started with has been solved. And by the ending, I mean the fact that their ritual didn't work, although I guess the ending itself may be more significant in keeping the ball rolling. Also, now that I think about it, since Owen is seemingly dead or if he is dead, is that the whole Aglaeca plotline over and done with? Or is it just getting started, so to speak, all because their failed ritual pissed it off to a greater extent, which implies that if they hadn't done that, the Aglaeca would've backed off once Owen died? Or, on a different track, was Owen's death (if he IS dead) not caused by the Aglaeca and will be a not-so-supernatural murder mystery to solve? He is (or was) a Marvin so I'd imagine there would be more than enough people that would want him dead and would that whole mile if an opportunity presented itself. Regardless, I believe the reveal that the Aglaeca could be an entity with a human origin, as well as Owen's "death", will serve as a way to move the plot along and for there to BE a plot, to focus on now that a whole lot that was a big deal back at the beginning of the show has been resolved.

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