This was one of the weaker episodes. That could potentially be because of the knowledge that it was the finale yet wasn't meant to be. I wonder if any parts were included which were filmed for a future episode but because of COVID-19, that wasn't possible so they added one or two in this one. Nearing the end, it did feel somewhat disjointed, or maybe that was my imagination. I guess this episode could've been filmed as what we got and to be just another episode and ended up being the finale, instead. As, I don't know what, as the episode was, it was surprisingly finale-like. I wonder what the actual finale would've been like. If there weren't any added scenes meant for a future episode, this was a good episode to serve as a substitute finale, and I imagine that's exactly why it was chosen, besides the possibility that none of the other few episodes that they managed to film would've been as sufficient as this one to be the finale.

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