I don't know how to feel about this "finale." It didn't seem like one, at all. But I don't know why I was expecting differently. I guess I thought Ivan would show up or something very serious would happen to make it all worthwhile. It just felt like any other episode. I guess the first season's finale was the same way, in that sense. But it was a lot more exciting than this finale was. And while the solution to Juliet's predicament was interesting, albeit a very ridiculous one, one that I'm sure some people came close to with their theories to how it would be resolved, using some law to their advantage, I don't think it was a good development to happen and move into the next season with as a new change. If anything, it'll serve as an extended means for more comic relief/humor between Thomas and Juliet through a different dynamic than before, and I have a feeling that's exactly what it will be. Overall, I prefer the finale of the first season over this one. I hope things will be more interesting, enjoyable, and exciting in the next one, all-around, as much as possible.

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