This show had its ups and downs but this final season made up for it all. Bringing everything back from the very first season, tying it all together, putting Annalise properly front and centre, bringing the show back to the courtroom where it belongs, turning everyone against one another, ruining relationships and building new ones. Killing Asher, Bonnie and Frank is ruthless and painful after you've followed them for 6 whole seasons but it wouldn't be HTGAWM without high stakes, pain and shocking deaths. Absolutely loved everything about this ending, especially Annalise getting her happy ending with my girl Tegan. Been watching this show since day one, gonna miss it, and gonna miss Viola Davis' Annalise Keaing especially - one of the greatest characters of all time, portrayed by arguably the best actor of our generation. Goodbye How To Get Away With Murder, thank you for the wild ride!!

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