I am 100% satisfied with this ending. One of the best series finales I've seen and it truly did the story justice. Okay, so first of all; I love love love Bonnie. Always have, always will. Nobody will ever change my mind about this. To see her die (and I blame Frank for it) was heartbreaking. I always hoped she would have a happy ending because she has been through so much. However, I think the way they wrote it was beautiful and it made sense. To have her die like this, alongside Frank (damn you Frank!), in the arms of Annalise, it brought everything full circle. She did her part and now she rests.
I LOVE the funeral scene, seeing moments of Annalise her life with Tegan, seeing Oliver, Conner and Laurel older and CHRISTOPHER! I know some people hoped it was Wes but I like this way better. And that accent! O my god, YES and that he - of all people - is the new professor for that class, being mentored by Annalise... I cried so much happy tears.
For a moment the writers had me concerned that after all these years they would break up Oliver and Conner, thank God they didn't. This was by far the best couple on the show and I never once gave up on them. I'm also very satisfied with how things ended for Michaela, she was selfish from the start and ended up 'alone' which served her right.

So this is the end, bittersweet and I will need a moment - like days - to process this. Fantastic show, always in my heart.

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