Shout by jezzfreeman1986
BlockedParentSpoilers2020-05-15T21:04:17Z— updated 2020-06-15T13:50:55Z

Well, interesting finale. Nice red herring with the whole Wes making the appearance at the beginning of the season.
I hated Michaela from day one (even though she’s wonderful to look at) so I was glad that Ollie made her cry, and quite rightly too.
It was no secret that Connor never stopped loving Ollie and was just trying to protect him - albeit by making terrible choices.
Tegan is about 15 years younger than Annalise so that’s a bit weird but also saw that coming about two seasons ago.
Nate was always a good guy (minus the murder) so was obvious he would do the right thing eventually.
Connor, being more or less the only one to not actually murder anyone ending up in prison was just savage.

All in all, a great series and a lovely finale to bring it all to a close.

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