Even though I didn't like that they made Frank Sam's son, I absolutely loved the finale. It was so satisfying to see that Annalise finally got rid of those life sucking leaches and started to take care of herself for a change. There are only two things I would do differently, first I don't understand why would Eve deliver the eulogy, she's completely unimportant character, it should have been Tegan since she's the one Annalise spent her life with if I understood correctly... But she wasn't even at the funeral... Perhaps she died as well though it wasn't stated. Second, they should've casted a different actor for the role of Christopher, I mean no one looks that much like their father. It's obvious they did that just to make us think it's Wes. Apart from that, it was perfect finale. And Viola once again delivered Emmy worthy performance, her closing words at the trial gave me goosebumps, what a way to say goodbye to her character.

Farewell HTGAWM!

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They actually show the hands holding, with glimpses of their life together, and in the final scene Annalise’s hand is not holding Tegan’s.
