Shout by My.God.It's.Full.of.Stars

Coda 2020

Life, love, loss. It's a trope. But isn't everything? Paintings are an elaborate re framing of something that we have already seen but in that rework make it palatable, pleasing, striking, unusual. To tell you the truth when I started this movie, I didn't expect to relate to a man in his twilight, which is Patrick Stewart's character. But even if I can't relate to an other man towards the end of his life, I was surprised to connect to the feelings he felt and the struggles he went through.

It is a good movie, aesthetically pretty with some frames that could double as photographs in an art gallery and little details that added to the atmosphere and development of the story. Patrick Stewart I think is better in this movie than any other of his current work. Katie Holmes is believable and exudes a quiet strong presence in her scenes even if her lines are few. Spot on in my opinion.

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