Shout by LNero

The Saint 1997

Stupid, juvenile, and unintentionally hilarious at times, but it's charming when this is the case. The spycraft and action has been done better in many other films, and if it were just for these elements I wouldn't have enjoyed it in the end. In fact I switched away from dissatisfaction right before they were about to introduce Elizabeth Shue's character, but went back in order to give her character the chance to save the film... and to me she did.

Her idiosyncratic charms are endearing, and while the love story is a source of a number of the unintentional laughs, those moments are also enjoyable for how they were meant to play. The plot gets a little long in the tooth in the third (and fourth?) act, but Kilmer and Shue are still fun to watch. Probably won't ever see it again, because the lines may be so-bad-it's-good at times, but Kilmer plays it a little too seriously to be truly good camp. Still, the chemistry with Shue is there, and she's a delight.

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