I'm really trying to give this show a fair shot, but it's getting more boring by the week.

This train is supposedly 1001 cars long ?? Then how come we've seen them in literally like barely 5 different locations ? I wanna see more of the train !

Why is this mysterious killer so obvious about what he's doing and where he's going ? Ridiculous. With all this "future tech" why would they not be able to log and trace those RFID chips ?

And why won't they let Layton shower or clean up a little ? Yes, yes, yes; I know that for this specific episode it was a plot point, but come on ! Lol, poor dude. I also feel that after 7 years, all the Tailies would have much worse teeth ... oh well.

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@alexnader it’s 1001 cars long, but I’d bet that the vast majority of those are where passengers sleep and eat. It’s likely that there’s only a limited number of ‘different’ locations on the train. Think about the logistics of the thing. Train carts exactly that big.

@alexnader How does seeing more of the train add to the plot?

What do you mean future tech? It's a train. How far in the future do you think this is.

I don't see how they would have worse teeth. You can keep teeth clean without toothpaste. They clearly aren't getting a lot of sugar in their diet. What is it that is supposed to make their teeth go bad? I'm more worried about their Vitamin D levels.
