Review by Dr Brake

Parasite 2019

I had been waiting to see this for weeks and expectations could not have been higher, so I was a little wary of disappointment when I sat down. I needn't have worried - within a few minutes Bong Joon-ho had his hooks into me and I was engrossed every step of the way until almost the very end. I am sitting and wondering where in my top 10 films ever this would fit. The plot was exquisitely worked out and while it had important themes they didn't undermine the sheer enjoyment of watching it unfold. Much of that pleasure was in the uncertainty over what would happen next, reinforced by a number of red herrings scattered along the way. I could easily have enjoyed watching a miniseries of this story that fully tugged on all the narrative threads. It was also beautiful to watch throughout. If I have one reservation it is the ending where it felt there were a number of better earlier finishing points and the final scene was rather flat. I am sure it would be even more effective on the big screen but don't let that put you off seeing it now - preferably "with" friends. You'll want to discuss it afterwards and then go and see it together again on the big screen to catch all the details you missed!

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