I was going to say how this is the calm before the storm based on all the festivities, the party, and it may very well be exactly that, but the appearance of Shadowy Mister Evans and the Sex Men was certainly out of nowhere and slowed that down. They were the best parts of the episode, no doubt about it. Who would've thought Rita's desire and method to get a better grasp on controlling her powers would cause an event that could end the world?

The Candlemaker is starting to get into Dorothy's head, in a more literal sense than before. He seems to be dedicated to convincing her to do something she's not supposed to or shouldn't. I wonder if there's more to that. There has to be. I have a feeling it has something to do with "freeing" him or something. By getting her to do what he says she should do, something or other is slowly happening, something that he wants to cause to happen. Or maybe he just enjoys messing with her, so to speak.

This episode had the best moments out of all of the episodes, so far, which were the Sex Men and Shadowy Mister Evans. Furthermore, it had some more-minor moments that were pretty good, like Cliff's conversation with Larry. What Larry said probably hit Cliff hard and I wonder if it'll lead to him going back to his daughter, just in a better way of going about it. Another good, minor moment was Jane's part in the episode.

Unfortunately, when it comes to the episode as a whole, it wasn't up to par with the previous episodes. Because of that, my rating for this episode has slipped into a six. The first six I've given any episode in this season, so far. Still, it wasn't in the "bad episode/I undoubtedly didn't like it" realm of a six. And even then, I'm not sure if, in the worst-case scenario, any episode of any show (or a movie) that I give the rating of six would be to that extent. In those cases, I doubt I'd ever rate with a six but rather, a five or lower.

Other than that, I stand by what I said regarding the calm before the storm. The season has gotten on its feet by now and is practically already to the half-way point. A case of ramping-up must be close to happening. I bet it'll have to do with the Candlemaker. But introducing a villain (or villains) that are more prominent in the Doom Patrol world than what we've got, so far, would be even better. Somehow, I feel like that won't be the case, in this season. Regardless, I'm looking forward to how the season will progress.

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