Shoot. I just had the absolute WORST realization about this episode and the entire show. I'm a complete and total sucker for reformed villains. Preeeeeeetty sure that all started with Zuko although I don't remember for sure. But I just realized that the thesis of this entire show is that some bloodlines can be hardcore evil with 0 redemption in them. I mean Uncle Iroh's letter said that knowing about his great-grandfather would change his destiny, and then it turns out that the great-grandfather he meant was Roku, not Sozin. So does that mean that the only reason he had the opportunity to be redeemed was cause he had some non-evil blood in him? Cause that would majorly screw up my whole love of redemption thing.

Also am I sensing some love love between them or am I just biased after reading an article about how Sarah and Ava fulfilled the fantasies of Kirk and Spock?

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