Review by Otamajakushi

Almost Human 2013

I liked this show, a lot... and now I'm really upset because I just learned that it got cancelled. I don't know how to feel now, because this show had so much potential. It was so good, had compelling stories, and always had me wanting more. The characters are rich and were interesting. This show deserved a second season, if only to tie up all the loose ends.

If this show weren't cancelled, I would say that the loose ends were fine; they'll get resolved in the new season. But that's not the case, so now I have to say that the loose ends were detrimental to the show. Almost Human has an overarching story, wherein we are trying to find out what happened to Kennex. We also have the bond developing between Kennex and Dorian. Great stuff.

Each episode added more to the puzzle, but also left some thing hanging, presumably to be addressed in future episodes. The problem lies with these plot points not coming to a resolution. We never get to learn the truth about the ambush, we barely know anything about the wall, and we know little else about the geopolitics of this era.

I think Almost Human expected to have more than one season, and that is absolutely obvious. But because it didn't, we are left with but a small part of a much larger puzzle. I think that was a bad move. I think that if more care went into making season one stand on its own, we would have had a second season that could have included these elements.

All that said, I don't regret my time spent watching Almost Human. The show is fantastic, and I really do mean it when I say the show still has potential. It's probably too late for Season Two, though, as unfortunate as it is... but there's still a glimmer of hope for something different.

Edit: I have reviewed some of the other comments, and I think I understand where some of my confusion is coming from. The episodes are out of order! This, I feel, was also detrimental to the show. Major shame... Ah well, I guess I need to update my list and give this a rewatch in the future. :smile:

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