I cannot understand this writing. The characters are behaving completely out of character.
Why would Marissa (who is obviously a though survivor) insist on saving Hanna, a girl she barely knows, in the expense of her own life?
Why would Hanna who is so used to being free and alone by herself would prefer to stay indoors and bitch about being lonely? Why is she, a person taught not to trust anyone keeps trusting and getting betrayed by Clara.

There no coherency, no continuity. WTF writers?

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As for Marissa, she always viewed Hanna as someone to care for, I think. Or started to. But not to the fullest extent, at first. Now, she's going out of her way to truly care for Hanna, as a daughter, and to also make up for everything that she did. And I get that. I don't have a problem with that. But I completely agree with your points on Hanna. I think she's being dumbed-down to serve the plot. And being a teenage girl, and wanting to leave with Clara, are going to be the justifications used for that, probably. Even though, at this point, at the very least, she wouldn't care about Clara, anymore.

But it's possible that Hanna is putting on a very cunning act. I, for one, am certainly hoping that's the case. Even so, if that does turn out to be the case, the points you mentioned will still be valid. It's lazy writing.

@itsikg This is spot on, I keep waiting for Hanna to break Clara's neck instead she's like I'm going to chat with daddy despite the fact that daddy is DEAD!
