My Top Ten Avatar Episodes: #8

In my opinion, this is a better version of The Storm. While that episode is a great exploration of Aang's flaws and Zuko's origins, this episode parallels that by having both characters explore the same story - why the war started.
In that sense, it is an amazing piece of worldbuilding, showing the relationship between two important figures, how it changed over time and how ideals tore them apart. Not only that, but it gives a very believable start to the war - Sozin believed he could fix the rest of the world by invading it and 'treating' it to the Fire Nation's wealth. The Avatar could have stopped this, but he cared too much about Sozin to "do the right thing" and stop/kill him when he went too far. Despite his mercy towards Sozin, due to their history, Sozin's ambitions were too important to him, and he watched his friend die, giving him the opportunity he needed to carry out his plans and start a 100-year tragedy.
Another amazing thing about this episode is, while Aang and Zuko are viewing the same story, it provides a different message to each of them. It emphasizes to Aang the point, explored in previous episodes, that there is good in everyone, in every nation, if only people would try to look for it. On the other hand, it shows Zuko that there is both good and bad in himself, and that he has the choice to become a good person and shape his own destiny.
This episode further paves the way to the conclusion of Zuko's arc and helps further build up the world of Avatar to feel like a real place.

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