[7.4/10] Very solid episode. This one breaks from the usual format of multiple stories and instead just has multiple threads leading up to the same big story. There’s also something clever about making the central set piece an Escape Room when everyone in the Rose family except David is thinking about whether it’s time to escape from Schitt’s Creek.

Once again, my favorite part of the episode centered on Alexa. I like her feeling listless after her break-up with Ted and unsure what she’s doing with her life, only to prove herself worldly and capable when the pressure of the escape room brings it out of her. It’s another good win for her, and I like her insight (however contrived through her succulent it may be) that it might be time for her to “move to a bigger pot” so that she can continue to grow. The way her past experiences served her well in this problem-solving environment is a nice representation of that.

I’m less enamored with Johnny frantically trying to get access to his phone so that he can take the call from his former assistant who’s now a big investor. It’s broad shtick, and it’s the only note he plays through the whole thing. Still, there’s a common theme there to everyone wondering if their ticket out will ever come. That’s certainly true for Moira, who’s wondering if she made a big mistake not accepting the Sunrise Bay reboot offer, only to be very pleased at the news that their ship may have come in.

It seems very celebratory over what is, at best, a prospect. To be frank, I think it’s setting everyone up for disappointment, but we shall see. Either way, it’s nice to see everyone so jubilant after three-fourths of the Rose clan seemed down in the dumps.

But for pure laughs, the escape room segment had some good stuff. Patrick’s enthusiasm over it, while most everyone else is either blasé or focused on their own thing is a good setup, and the show finds true-to-life bits within the escape room concept. (I say as someone who attended a bachelor party which featured an escape room.) It was also nice to see some good David/Alexis bonding and helping one another work through things, which we haven’t had in a while. Their rapport was particularly welcome here.

Overall, this was a good episode which sets up some interesting plotlines to come.

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