Review by Kevin Social

The Big Short 2015

There is a reason this film is my most-watched film and why I love it so much, the truth is that this film takes a very complicated event and finds a way to explain it to your average film watcher in such a way that makes you feel the impact of this event at the time and at the same time has those moments that make you laugh hard. That is because of the masterful direction from Adam McKay who is better known for comedy but this film shows that he is able to do both at an Oscar level.

I cannot pick out a favourite performance in this film as every single character is played so damn perfectly, the only actor who stands out the most to me is Steve Carell (Mark Baum) as he is playing a character who is suffering from trauma and at the same time trying to get ahead of the financial disaster of the entire century.

If you are interested in finding out about the financial crash in the 2000s, then I seriously recommend watching this film as it is extremely accurate and the weird thing with this film is that it is really rewatchable.

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