Review by Andrew Bloom

[7.2/10] Who doesn’t enjoy a good old fashioned scavenger hunt? It’s nice to see Wonder Woman get a spotlight episode, one that delves a little bit into her return to Themyscira, but this a pretty standard outing for the show and for the DCAU. There’s some extra stakes given that Diana is trying to save not just her homeland but also her mother, but it’s a lot of punching and generic villain threats without much beyond that.

Still, the episode has its moments. While Wonder Woman fighting a giant statue doesn’t do much for me, her and Superman mistaking one another for dem0ns thanks to an evil spell and going toe-to-toe is pretty cool. The same goes for the fact that they can only break it by seeing the other in the mirror. It’s a clever challenge and makes the fight scenes have more juice to it. Conversely, Flash and Martian Manhutner tying a giant snake in knots feels fairly generic.

That said, Faust is an interesting antagonist. It’s hard to know how much they’re pulling from the classic story, but him doing the bidding of Hades (more devilish here than the actual Greek god of myth) suggests a clear influence, which is intriguing. Likewise, Batman intimidating a professor to get more info is a noteworthy and well-animated development.

That’s most of what this episode has to offer -- teases for potentially more interesting things to come. I do appreciate that Diana initially thinks she has to do this alone before accepting help from her friends, but the relic-hunting and threat-neutralizing feels a bit perfunctory as precursor steps to a confrontation with the bad guy. Hoping for more out of part 2!

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