Review by Matt


Season 10

Just end the show. Please. Every season has less coherent story and more political crap delivered in such a heavy-handed manner it's not even funny. We finally got past all the Gay Jesus crap only to be met with more of Debbie's obnoxious brand of "feminism" and Liam reflecting on his blackness. My problem isn't with the coverage of these issues, no--it's with the way it's delivered. The writers these days are too incompetent to be subtle about it so episode 2 literally has a salesman try to solicit a blowjob from Debbie then reveal he only did it because he's a fragile white male who gave up on his dreams. At various points in the episode, Debbie gets such blunt lines as "Why are men so pervy?" and countless others reaffirming her womanhood. In what I guess was an effort to cover hot button issues from both genders, when Carl asks his manager if she's sexually harassing him, she gives him the old "it's okay because you're a guy". I guess we're supposed to pat ourselves on the back for being woke enough to get that this was a joke about that being wrong?

All in all, this show has lost everything that made it great--namely, Emmy Rossum. Fiona was a character who didn't need to tell us through ham-fisted dialogue that she was a strong woman--we could see in every episode. Lip is the only character giving this show direction now but I feel like I've watched the "raising a kid" thing so many times now that I'm not even really that interested in that either.

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