Review by Lineage

Doom Patrol

Season 2

The first season was better, and I liked it a lot more, too. But there were many enjoyable moments in this season that were just as good as a lot of moments in the first season. The problem is that they were only moments. As a whole, this season paled in comparison to the first season, which was very apparent.

It was off to a great start with the first three episodes, then trailed off in multiple directions at the same time. Ultimately, it went nowhere, or at least it felt like that. And all the trails that it was going on just began to get tedious and dragged out. Before long, wanting the season to be over was at the forefront of everything.

Of course, that's not to say that this season was bad. Objectively, I don't think it was. I'd even go as far as to say that, maybe, it was way better than the first season in that regard, or that some people would feel that way. Subjectively, for me, it wasn't as good as the first season. Again, it had many enjoyable moments. Whichever category you fall into, whether you like it in a subjective sense or think that it's better than the first season in that regard, or whether you like it and think it's better than the first season in an objective sense, or whether you like it but not as much as the first season in a subjective sense, I think we can all agree that this season wasn't bad.

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