Review by Kevin Social

Steve Jobs 2015

This film is criminally underrated as honestly, it is Michael Fassbender's (Steve Jobs) best performance as I was just lost in his performance of Jobs as at times it almost felt like I was watching the man himself. Working in IT I will say Steve Jobs is one of the most if not the most important person in computing history as his revolutionized the world so much and this film doesn't shy away from showing that, but also showing how much of a tormented genius he was as sometimes he didn't know how to show his true emotions to people and came off as a bit of a dick but the truth was this was a man who had many different problems in his life.

As the film goes through these three very important moments in the tech industry but also in Steve Jobs life you see his character slowly change through each one of these events and I'd say the main influence was due to his daughter Lisa Brennan-Jobs who was played just so perfectly by all three of the actresses as Makenzie Moss, Ripley Sobo and Perla Haney-Jardine were just so perfect in this film to play opposite Fassbender.

Also, Kate Winslet (Joanne Hoffman), Seth Rogen (Steve Wozniak) and Jeff Daniels (John Sculley) were awesome in this film as all the conversations the characters have throughout the film felt really natural and that is down to both the direction from Danny Boyle and writing by Aaron Sorkin.

If you are still eager for more tech biopics and also interested in Steve Jobs, then I recommend watching Pirates of Silicon Valley which is another underrated gem of cinema.

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