Layton and the red switch was the most infuriating and unnecessary thing I've seen in a long time.

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@kyria-crosszeria I think it only comes second to Melanies final words of the Episode:

"I knew the choice would be yours. It's what we live with. Every second of our existence."
I actually pointed out after watching Episode 2 (you can check if you want - its dated May25th 2020) that if Layton suceeds humanity won't survive.

There needed to be a change of priorities in Layton - opposed to the movie the story doesn't end here.
There also needed to be an explanation to keep Conelly involved, which will keep me watching, since Melanie is actually the only character I like.

It also futhers the question looming over the show in general:
How much of our "humanity" are we willing to give up in order to save the species.

The thing about the people not willing to sacrifice few in order to save the rest is, that we will never hear from them since there is no one to tell their story (or better the story of their selfishness).
Dieing isn't hard - Living with things you had to do because they were necessary is.

I'm sorry for you if you expected something like "I had to save both because I am both: Bruce Wayne and Batman" - This isn't a show about superheroes.

@player8472 Hah, hadn't expected someone to reply in depth to my puny little comment. I did like Layton to begin with, but after the inner workings of the train came to be revealed, as well as the roles everyone plays, he'd just more and more became some figurehead of an outdated version of justice. It's not working anymore in the world they live in now. Parts of it were probably rightful (like looking for murderers and bringing them to justice) but not the whole throwing-the-leader-under-the-train.
Wouldn't really expect otherwise from power-hungry characters with less brains than Layton and Melanie (been a while I've seen it, especially talking about lady Winston-is-the-best and the other dude conspiring with her), but for Layton to keep going on his cruisade and continuing it... meh.

Well now the second season is out, so let's see how they try and turn it. Haven't started yet, but with her daughter back (and apparently not happy) there could be some interesting new dynamics.
Hoping they don't totally ruin the show :upside_down:

@kyria-crosszeria To be fair, Laytons crusade was unstoppable at that point - There were too many parts already moving.

At this point it was either go through with it or less the power-hungry idiots take over.
My in-depth comment was mainly about how you found the specific scene unnecessary (at least I understood it that way).

I've started watching Season 2 just now (after Binge-Watching the rest of Season 1) and have to say: So far I like the developments.
