Holy crap, the way Hanna is acting, along with the ending itself, hurts my brain. But there's still hope, unfortunately. Hanna could be putting on quite the show. That's what I'm hoping, anyway. I have the trailer of the movie in mind, specifically the scene where she's getting interrogated or whatever and started crying and pretending to be this weak, helpless girl, which got whoever was there with her to become all sympathetic, getting closer to her, where the rest is history, all of which Marissa was watching unfold, in real-time, at a different location with the camera footage. Or something like that.

That is what's giving me hope that Hanna is putting on an extraordinary act and will strike extremely hard at the most perfect moment possible. Except, only then, I happen to remember that this show isn't exactly good to where something like that would happen. Like, seriously, at this point, I'd genuinely be surprised if that does happen, or something close to it. That's how predictable and dull this show keeps on being. It's insane.

Clara and everyone else's behavior makes sense because I think the implants in their arms are the cause of how they act and how they're so naïve. Sure, Clara may be the same as she was before she was brought to The Meadows, the only difference being that she bought into what they're selling, so to speak, but that doesn't mean her actions aren't dictated and influenced by whatever the implant does, on a subconscious level.

The implants probably constantly release the drug that the Passway pharmaceutical company was secretly shipping to The Meadows, into the systems of the trainees, and whatever it does is why everyone seems to be under hypnosis, believing that their fake identities are real enough to warrant an emotional reaction if, say, Sandy's fake sister ends up in the hospital, and dies.

This is why Hanna has to be putting on an act, as we weren't shown that she has an implant. She's supposed to be cunningly smart, in the movie, at least, I'm pretty sure. And she was taught and trained in various ways by Erik. Either that or her intelligence has been dumbed-down to serve the plot, for whatever reason. Then again, this show is probably a more realistic take on the movie, at least in the writers' minds, and having Hanna be this cunning and super smart girl is too unrealistic.

I wonder who's helping Marissa. Part of me is expecting there to be this twist that it's the same person who John reports to and that everyone working at The Meadows is secretly loyal to her, not him. But I don't think that would make much sense. But maybe the person John reports to will give Marissa full authority over The Meadows, behind his back, and to also have her overthrow him or something. Something about the secrecy of John's boss and whoever is helping Marissa, who I'm assuming is the same person the guy she acquired the services of works for and talked to on the phone, makes me think some sort of twist regarding either one or both, is incoming.

I was going to give this episode a seven out of a ten, but then the ending happened. And the episode was alright up until that point. It was completely my mistake to allow myself to feel like this episode was better than the previous episodes, even if it was barely better.

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