Shout by David

Doom Patrol

Season 2

Holy rushed season batman!@! Seriously why open ALL these gaping holes and not answer one?
1) What was with the painting where'd Mr Nobody go?
2) Whats going on with miles immortality or why is he dying so damn quickly?
3) What was up with negative man and Larry relationship or even his son for that matter?
4) They never gave closure on Cyborgs gf and where she was headed?
5) The hell is going on with Jane and the underground?
6) what about cliffs daughter?

I literally could keep going but I won't cuz i'm pissing myself off with all this. I would have liked at least closure on one split end here! There was literally NO pay off in the finale NONE ZIP ZERO ZILCH. Don't get me wrong I love the show! I think that's why i'm so upset here. Could you imagine if this show somehow got cancelled in this state? i-would-die

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Rather late but you know that this wasnt supposed to be the finale right? But covid happened.
