Shout by UhOhHotdog

Lost 2004

Lost was the best tvshow I've ever seen. I doubt there will ever be another show that will touch me in a way lost did. I just finished watching all episodes, marathon style, I've never been so absorbed in a tv series.. I think it's the most important show I've ever seen.

What an amazing story, real shame it's over. I could easily watch lost everyday for years, the quality was there, they could've kept going for along time. I think some people didn't like it because they couldn't follow it. I was blown away by the story and how everything ended up and was enthralled the entire time I was experiencing what was happening up until the end.

I actually thought the seasons following the third one were the best, that's when all the really cool stuff started happening. I loved every single episode of every season though! That Smoke monster is just too cool, love the sound it makes. :)

I will miss this series and the characters, wish I could go to the island... Maybe I will someday. .

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