Review by FinFan

Falling Skies

Season 2

I gave the first season a "fair" rating and the question now is: was the second season better ?

Yes and no. Interestingly the show runners had no clue how to continue the cliffhanger. And in a way they didn't. But we learn more about the aliens and that things don't always are what they appear to be. That's hardly original but, OK. We also learn more about the charaters as we travel along. There is character developement and I am beginning to have favorites with Maggie being hands down at the top of the list. But there is also lot's of stuff that is too predictable with the writing.
Two things that almost always apply: if things are to good to be true, they usually aren't. And if two characters get too comfortable with each other the writers throw in a curve ball immediately. In one interview the producer credited the show for it's surprising twists. Honestly, I don't see it.
There were a couple of episodes I really liked but in both cases they were followed by ones I didn't. In any case it's still above a level that would make me throw the towel and much better than a lot of other stuff.
I'm still not at a point where I can give a full "7".

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