[7.9/10] This was just the perfect October watch. Maybe it’s just from having watched Midsommar recently, but I love the swerve here, where everything about Pottsfield and their harvest festival seems like setup for a dark secret, but it’s mostly home a pretty innocuous community/festival.

The show has a lot of fun with the head pumpkin seeming all malevolent, or our heroes thinking they’re being forced to dig their own grave, only to reveal that it’s just some mild manual labor and a bunch of celebrating locals. Granted, the weirdness of the entire town being made of reanimated skeletons donning gourds and the grim reassurance that “everyone stays here eventually” still add a layer of creepiness to the proceedings, but it’s a matter-of-fact, almost cute creepiness that I am on board with.

I also liked Beatrice the Bluebird being more a part of the proceedings on this one. Her owing Greg a favor, Greg not understanding that a favor doesn’t mean a wish, and Wirt’s reluctance to her joining their little traveling party adds to the already great sibling dynamic at play.

Once again, I also just like the design of Pottsfield (presumably a play on potter’s field) and the surroundings. The look and movements of the various pumpkin people is really distinctive and endearing, and the voice and design for the head pumpkin is especially memorable. As I said before, there’s a real Adventure Time energy to a lot of this, which totally works for me.

Overall, another enjoyable episode out of the gate, and one especially well-suited for the Halloween season!

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