Review by LeftHandedGuitarist

Star Trek: Discovery: Season 3

3x02 Far from Home

So much to enjoy here. It feels like the show has found its groove, and if the rest of the season is going to be like this then we are really in for a treat.

  • I'm very happy to be back with the Discovery crew. Almost from the start, all the bridge crew and secondary characters were given moments to let us into their world more. This is something the show has been missing since the beginning, and this episode shows how easy it would have been to include it. In particular, Kayla really shone here and sets up an intriguing little mystery. I do have to question, is this focus on secondary characters only now happening because Burnham isn't around? That would be a shame if true, but I have to say that she wasn't missed.
  • I continue to love Tilly, and I found myself getting surprisingly emotional at Saru's words of encouragement to her. A great first impression indeed.
  • A great Western vibe developed as the episode went on, and it felt effortless rather than shoehorned in. Plus, the bad guys actually felt dangerous, which past Star Trek rarely accomplished.
  • I was getting nervous for Saru and Tilly's ability to hold their own against the local bad guy, but had to laugh when Georgiou arrived and I suddenly felt that the odds had shifted in their favour dramatically! She's definitely someone you want on your side when shit is about to go down.
  • Throughout the above encounter, Saru REALLY showed that he has it in him to be captain. I want to see him officially in that position, because he's great. Also, he can kill people with his threat ganglia dart thingies, and that's cool.
  • Stamets and Reno working together is always a joy to watch. Still, what Stamets needed to do to repair the ship seemed a little... basic? Did he really need talking through that? I guess when you're bleeding to death help is always appreciated.
  • If this season is about the Discovery travelling around the galaxy bringing hope and kindness back to people, them I'm all for it.
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