The friendsgiving scene made me happy! They deserve nice things once in a while!!!
Can we all agree that Clark has been kinda useless this season? He’s been acting like a little boy and it’s time to man up! Like Oliver said, fight crime or do something! All he’s done is visit Chloe at her job.
I can’t stop laughing at Lois seeing green arrow
at Oliver’s apartment and not making the connection, instead she thought he was robbing Oliver???
And don’t get me started on Lana!!!!!!! When she first fainted I was like oh no pregnancy, but then when she was at the hospital and the doctor said they had to run more tests I thought oh she has like a rare illness but then when she told Chloe the truth I was like yeah a rare illness would’ve been better, yikes. She is supposed to be living her best life, she is like 20-21 and could be doing whatever she wants, like ok their college closed for a semester but she could’ve stayed at metropolis and get an internship like Chloe but instead she chose to move in with Lex and be a trophy wife! And she dumped Clark because of all the lies and secrets but at least Clark was saving people -he was the worst liar tho, and he couldn’t come up with an excuse to save his life- but still Lana made all the wrong choices, and is icing Clark out. This is the worst case scenario for my girl Lana, but also based on every the cw show I’m gonna bet that Lana might lose the baby in an accident and Clark and Lex are gonna blame themselves and then Lana is gonna leave.

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