Review by Lars Sieval

The Wrestler 2008

"Have you ever seen a one trick pony in the field so happy and free?
If you've ever seen a one trick pony then you've seen me
Have you ever seen a one-legged dog making its way down the street?
If you've ever seen a one-legged dog then you've seen me"

Since I've made myself a new Letterboxd Account I tend to rewatch films I haven't seen in a long time to refill my film list and Darren Aronofsky's The Wrestler was one of them.

When I was younger I liked this film because I was really into wrestling, now I see the sadness. There is nothing happy about this film apart from 2 moments outside the ring for the Ram. His date with his daughter and his date with stripper Pam/Cassidy (Marisa Tomei). In the end it is just like he says, there is nothing but shit outside the ring for him. The way Rourke's delivers that line is so sad. He truly feels like a broken man apart from a few moments. Its sad to see him asking fans for money for a picture with him looking all washed up. Its sad he keeps making the same mistakes with his daughter. It is sad he made the same mistake by going to the ring instead of leaving with Pam.

If you have some interest in wrestling, I do believe that makes this film a bit more enjoyable. Seeing loads of familiar faces is always fun. And if you have never seen this film, I do believe you won't waste your time to watch this, even if you aren't interested in wrestling. This role gave new life to Mickey Rourke's career. It is in my eyes, his best performance. you have the amazing Marisa Tomei next to him and a killer soundtrack. And just listen to the song during the credits, its one of my favorite Bruce Springsteen tracks. Glad I rewatched this one.

Yes, Randy the Ram was truly a one-trick pony.

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