If you are supposed to be in a committed relationship and you get proposed and can’t immediately say yes, I don’t think you are in the right relationship.
Martha Kent a disgusting woman! her first instinct after seeing Javier wasn’t like “oh a young teen, he looks hurt lemme help him” it was “brown teen, POLICE!!!” How disgusting, and so sad that someone has that much hatred in their heart. A few weeks ago there was a viral tweet asking which smallville characters would vote for trmp and I was like jonathan kent of course but not martha cause she is compassionate but guess I was wrong!!!
You can see it in Clark’s eyes when he is about to run off and barge into Lex’s house! It never fails to be hilarious. And when he says he is gonna tell Lana about Lex’s wrongdoings, like Clark, Lana doesn’t give a sh:asterisk_symbol:t! Lex could kill a thousand puppies and Lana wouldn’t believe it, would try to justify it and then would be like well yeah okay he did that and I support him! Lana is too far gone.
And my point was proved in that last scene, Lana was like “no way, you are just jealous Clark, I’m not a puppet” like yeah miss piggy is more intelligent than you!
Also where is Lois?????

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@aars26 Yeah because Clark had just lied to the police about an illegal immigrant and she didn't want her or her son to break the law. Even in like her next scene she is trying to get him US citizenship and says he seems like a really good kid. Martha is the nicest character on this show.
