Shout by RiGHT

Brave New World 2020

The series is seriously good; in between all the sex scenes there is an amazing story. Now I am all for the great sex of the beautiful people - which is actually done very tasteful - but in this case I think a little less graphic might have helped the series pick up more viewers.

But the story is truely amazing. It's striking. It's relevant. It's sci-fi and yet realistic. And when you consider the series is (loosely) based on a book from the 1930s; its hard to imagine how much 2020+ it is.

I loved the movie Equilibrium, which has a openly very dark side to it, with feelings being not allowed. This series Brave New World has the same basis though its the opposite with obligatory fake happiness. I would say that Brave New World actually perhaps is even more dark...

I really enjoyed the story of the series and I totally binged it in just 3 days!
There is an ending to the series, though largely open, but still giving just enough closure to accept it as a series finale........ but I do hope that there will be another season afterall.

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