WTF is this?!?

After the first Episodes I had hope that the push out of the known timeline would make this Show bareable to watch.
Sadly I have - again - been proven wrong.

Others have already pointed out, that they aren't even able to keep track of what is happening in their own show.
I try to ignore that (in addition to the Star Trek - I choose to watch it as another SciFi Show stealing certain ideas from ST, because this ain't Star Trek and it never was).

But what bugs me here is the blatant disregard of reason. What am I talking about?
Tilly is being offered 1st officer?!? TILLY?!?
She might or might not be a fine officer - we don't actually know but from what we have seen and how Saru and Michael talk about her she seems to be.

That doesn't change the fact that she basically just finished her Command Training program. Basically EVERY other officer has more experience than she does. And while it is not common to promote soley based on experience - for command functions, especially someone who has to replace the captain not just in case of death but also in case of heavy injury or other incapacitation (which happens quite frequently to ppl in Starfleet) it is a big factor.
The reasons Saru mentions are just stupid - that is part of the job, but the main functionality of a 1st officer is being able to replace the Captain - and I'd rather serve under Georgiou (yes I mean the fallen Emperor who killed and tortured ppl) than under Tilly.

And I get that the Commanders in Star Trek have always been young, so promotion times are likely shorter than in reality - but less than 2 years from Ensign to Commander? Really?!?
In reality there is usually more than a decade between those ranks.
And according to IMDB Mary Wiseman still plays ENSIGN Sylvia Tilly! That is THREE FULL RANKS under Commander!!!

They should have left the whole thing alone - since they cornered themselves here - the only person actually suited for the job and not exluded by facts like being part of the spore-drive other than Burnham was Cmdr Nhan. And they left her behind in Episode 5.

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